Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cara Membuat Blog

Untuk membuat sebuah blog, yg diperlukan adalah bahan tulisan.
Kemudian, tuangkan dalam postingan dan walaaa., jadilah sebuah blog.

Nahhh begitulah caranya. Bagaimana, mudah kan? Itu mah sudah pasti kan..

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Self Made Cash - Make Money Keeping the World Clean

self made cash
At a recent lunch meeting with a friend in Southern California who was taking her success to a new level by building a new house in Lake Tahoe, expressed to me that she was making soap. I had to stop and ask if I had heard her correctly. Yep, she said, "soap." I guess making soap isn't as challenging as one might assume.

You can turn this simple process of soap creation into a full time business. Because you can add your own combination of fragrances or essential oils, you have a lot of flexibility in making something unique. You also will be able to focus on a specific niche with this strategy.

Another great thing with soap and it is the same with making candles (another great opportunity) is that you can create your own unique molds. I am sure you have seen the variety of soaps available. Just making generic soap is going to be tough if you want to make a lot of money in the soap business. The key to commanding a premium price is by having a unique product that focuses on selling to a unique niche or audience.

For example, you could sell soap that is designed for outdoor adventure enthusiasts - soaps that have multiple purposes and are biodegradable for example. Take some time to think about what type of soaps you would like to make and who you would like to sell your soaps to. Simply get out a sheet of paper and write down: What, Who, When, Where and Why. Then write whatever comes to mind when you ask, "What type of soap?" When you are done you are ready for the HOW, which is your plan of action. So there you have it - self made cash and you make money keeping the world clean.

by Richard Essex

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Start Your Home Based Business For $1000

There is nothing more rewarding than waking up every morning and going to work for yourself. The biggest problem that people have when they decide that they want to start up a home based business is a small capital. A little start up money doesn't have to stop you in your tracks, there are countless things that you can do with a thousand dollars or less.

If you know what business that you want to do from home, and you know that there is no way in the world that 1000 dollars will be enough to get it started, than use the 1000 as investment and not start up. Anything that you can buy and than turn around and sell for a profit is considered an investment. First you have to decide how fast you want the profit to come. Let's say that you have decided to go out and look for an investment then you see it, your neighbor has his old car for sale for 600 dollars, you are great with your hands and cars and you know that you can fix it up and turn a profit.

You buy the car, spend about two weeks, and the remaining $400 dollars on fixing it up. Then you sell it for $2500. You have successful turned your thousand dollar investment into a $2500 start up capital. If you are still short on what you need to start your own business, you now have more money that you can invest in other options to more than double your capital once again.

by Samuel Austin